Click on the quote to find out more about the source play.
Most updates will be detailed on the Maximum Verbosity production blog. Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Switched out the show we're promoting on the front page. That's it! Thursday, July 3, 2008
Tons of updates, now primarily promoting Wordstock '08, our house-party fundraiser. Friday, June 13, 2008
More fiddly fixes. Hesitant to say too much, since this is a pretty massive work-in-progress, but keep an eye (as usual) on the current work page. Saturday, May 10, 2008
A number of updates, mainly to the current work page. Libertarian Rage has been retitled to All Rights Reserved, and given pretty much the most awesome image we've ever had. Tuesday, February 25, 2008
After years of disgust with "My first website -- from PlaySkool!", we're finally launching a new design. Will contain many broken links as I drunkenly stumble my way through it, but those will hopefully be patched up as I go. For now, enjoy the sparkling new look. Of particular interest, perhaps, is the current work page -- unbelievably, there is actually something a season to announce. Updates from Other Years